1908 - 1987. Diplomat. Born above the family drapery shop in Kenmare, Co Kerry. Obtained a first class degree from University College Cork in classics and commerce in 1929. Began his service in External Affairs in 1935. He gave Eamonn de Valera lessons in ancient Greek. Paris was his first overseas posting, commencing in 1937. Appointed second ambassador to the Holy See 1954-1956, succeeding Joseph Walshe. .During his term in Rome Fr Browne was elected as master general of the Dominican Order. Two future popes, St john XX111 and Paul VI. He returned to Dublin as Secretary and followed this stint as ambassador to London and concluded his career at the mission to the United Nations. (Reference “Con Cremin Ireland’s Wartime Diplomat” Dr Niall Keogh, Mercier , 2006).