Welcome to the Official Site of the Association
Fáilte chuig láithreán oifigiúil an Chumainn.
Welcome to the website of the Association of Papal Orders in Ireland. Founded in the 1990’s, the Association is comprised of members who have been awarded special recognition as Knights and Dames by His Holiness the Pope for exceptional services rendered to the Church and society. For those members of the Church conferred with such a Papal award, it is to be viewed by them not solely as an honour or reward. It also incorporates a duty a duty and a mission – that of servicing and protecting the person of the Vicar of Christ
The website builds upon the explanatory booklet on Pontifical Orders launched in 2012 by the then Papal Nuncio in Ireland, His Excellency the Most Reverend Charles Brown with the encouragement and support of our Patron, His Eminence Seán Cardinal Brady.
We thank you for visiting our site. We hope that it will be of interest to you and we would welcome any suggestions or comments that you may wish to make to help us improve the information as provided.
John McCaffrey, Knight Grand Cross of Saint Gregory
Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en español
Bienvenido a la página web de la Asociación de Órdenes Papales de Irlanda.
La Asociación se compone de aproximadamente 100 damas y caballeros condecorados por el Santo Padre por su contribución a la Iglesia. Desde el origen de las condecoraciones papales, cerca de 500 damas y caballeros han sido investidos por el Santo Padre, entre ellos un numeroso grupo que luchó juntó al Batallón de San Patricio en 1860.
Si está interesado contacte con nosotros en secretary@papalorders.ie.
Cliquez ici pour la version en français
Bienvenu sur le site de l’Association des Ordres Pontificaux en Irlande.
L’Association établie dans les années 1990 comprend des membres qui ont été honorés avec des titres de chevaliers et dames, par le Saint Père pour leur contribution au sein de l’Eglise et pour notre Société. Ces titres ne sont pas seulement un honneur ou rune récompense, mais sont aussi perçu comme un devoir et une mission de protéger le Vicaire du Christ.
Le but de ce site internet repose sur la publication en 2012 d’un livret sur les Ordres Pontificaux par le Nonce Papal, alors en place en Irlande, Son Excellence Révérendissime Charles Browne avec l’encouragement et le support de notre bienfaiteur Son Eminence Cardinal Seán Brady.
Nous vous remercions de prendre le temps de visiter notre site internet and de nous envoyer vos commentaires et suggestions afin d’améliorer les informations partagées.
N’hesitez pas a nous contacter sur secretary@papalorders.ie
John McCaffrey, Chevalier Grand Croix de St Gregoire
Klicken Sie hier für die Version in deutscher Sprache
Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite des Verbandes
Willkommen auf der Website der Vereinigung päpstlicher Orden in Irland. Die Vereinigung wurde in den 1990er Jahren gegründet und besteht aus Mitgliedern, denen von Seiner Heiligkeit dem Papst die besondere Anerkennung als Ritter und Damen für außergewöhnliche Verdienste um Kirche und Gesellschaft verliehen wurde. Die Mitglieder der Kirche, denen eine solche päpstliche Auszeichnung verliehen wird, sehen diese nicht nur als Ehre oder Belohnung an. Sie beinhaltet auch die Pflicht und Mission, der Person des Stellvertreters Christi zu dienen und sie zu schützen.
Deutsche Fassung
Diese Website baut auf der erläuternden Broschüre zu den Päpstlichen Orden auf, die 2012 vom damaligen Päpstlichen Nuntius in Irland, Seiner Exzellenz, dem Hochwürdigsten Charles Brown, mit der Ermutigung und Unterstützung unseres Patrons, Seiner Eminenz Seán Kardinal Brady, herausgegeben wurde.
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihren Besuch auf unserer Website. Wir hoffen, dass es für Sie interessant ist, und wir würden uns über alle Ihre Vorschläge oder Kommentare freuen, um uns bei der Verbesserung der bereitgestellten Informationen zu helfen.
John McCaffrey, Großkreuzritter des Heiligen Gregor
Wir stehen Ihnen gerne fuer weitere Auskuenfte unter secretary@papalorders.ie zur Verfuegung.
Clique aqui para a versão em Português
Bem-vindo ao website da Associação dos Agraciados Irlandeses com Ordens Papais.
A Associação é integrada por aproximadamente 100 damas e cavalheiros que foram honrados pelo Santo Padre em virtude de serviços prestados à causa da Igreja. Desde a instituição das ordens papais de mérito, cerca de 500 pessoas foram agraciadas com a Ordem Suprema de Cristo, a Ordem Piana, a de São Gregório Magno ou a de São Silvestre.
Nelas se inclui um significativo número de homens que combateram no Saint Patrick Battalion, em 1860.
Não hesite em contactar-nos: secretary@papalorders.ie
Clicca qui per la versione in lingua italiana
Benvenuto sul sito web dell'Associazione degli Ordini Papali in Irlanda. Fondata negli anni '90, l'Associazione è composta da membri che hanno ricevuto un riconoscimento speciale come Cavalieri e Dame dal Sommo Pontefice per servizi eccezionali resi alla Chiesa e alla società. Per i membri della Chiesa a cui è stato conferito un tale riconoscimento papale, questo non deve essere visto solo come un onore o una ricompensa. Esso rappresenta anche un dovere e una missione: quella di servire e proteggere la persona del Vicario di Cristo.
Il sito web si basa sull'opuscolo esplicativo degli Ordini Pontifici rilasciato nel 2012 dall'allora Nunzio Apostolico in Irlanda, Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Mons. Charles Brown, con l'incoraggiamento e il sostegno del nostro Patrono, Sua Eminenza Reverendissima il Cardinale Seán Brady.
Vi ringraziamo per aver visitato il nostro sito. Ci auguriamo che sia di vostro interesse e saremo lieti di ricevere qualsiasi suggerimento o commento che vorrete fare per aiutarci a migliorare le informazioni fornite.
John McCaffrey, Cavaliere di Gran Croce di San Gregorio
Si prega di contattarci al secretary@papalorders.ie.
Dana Rosemary Scallan Invested as a Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great
On May 9th, the celebration of the Eucharist in the Church of the Assumption and St James, Claregalway, Bishop Michael Duignan invested Ms Dana Rosemary Scallon as a Dame of the Order of Saint Gregory the Great. This Papal honour is bestowed by the Holy Father on those who have excelled in giving of themselves in the service of the Church community.
During the ceremony Bishop Michael noted how “it is evident to everyone who knows Dana how much her faith means to her. It is both the rock on which her life is built and has been her guiding star on the journey of life. Over the years her service to the church and civil society has been immense. Her commitment to the values of the Gospel has always shone through and her witness to the richness of the faith has been constant. Tonight I congratulate her on receiving this very special honour and I pray God’s continued blessings on Dame Dana Rosemary Scallan, on Damien and their family into the future.”
She is now one of 14 papal dames amongst the 97 members of the Association. Our President John McCaffrey was amongst the congregation. Ad multos annos to Dana.
President Sean T O Ceallaigh
Wearing the sash of the Grand Cross of the Order of St Gregory the Great. With permission from the Presidential establishment.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Visiting the grave of Limerick native Fr Bernard Kavanagh, CSsR, a British Army Chaplain who died from sniper fire in Jerusalem on 21 December 1917. He is buried in the Commonwealth Cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
left to right Most Revd Kieran O’Reilly SMA, Eamon Walsh KCSG, Secretary Peter Durnin KC*SG, Col Eiver O’Hanlon and President John Morgan, KSG.
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Members in History
We have added a gallery of past members in the menu on your left in the Members section.
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